A Digital Marketing Insider's Point of View by Winston Bromley.
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Social media is the PERFECT avenue for a two-way communication between a prospective customer and a business establishment

Social media is the PERFECT avenue for a two-way communication between a prospective customer and a business establishment

Social media has really become one of the most important avenues for businesses out there, in order to reach out and communicate with their market.

Richard Gans AXAWhat makes it even better is that it is still growing and business establishments are still learning how to best use social media in order to make their services better. According to Richard Gans, Director of Social Media at AXA, social media usage, both on a paid and organic nature, continues to grow and evolve as a means of marketing and engaging with consumers. More specifically, using social media as an active channel for resolving customer service moments continues to evolve as the needs and expectations of consumers change. Consumers expect brands, even financial service companies, to be available for help when and where they need it and social media is serving as one of those necessary options.

AXASocial media is the perfect avenue for a two-way communication between a prospective customer and a business establishment. Mr. Gans claimed that the use of social media is one of the things that really worked well in enabling his company to build trust online. He said that as more people look online for feedback prior to making a purchase. AXA recently incorporated an initiative that facilitates direct, two-way customer feedback along with the collection and organization of customer responses with the aim not only of improving customer experience, but also of ultimately producing new products and speeding innovations on existing ones.

Allowing your clients and customers to provide comments on your products or services through social media will enable you and your company to easily improve based on the feedback provided. It would be a lot easier to identify areas where you are doing right as well as areas that need improvements.

Digital Marketing for Financial Services SummitWhat makes it even more interesting is that social media is only a fraction of what you and your company can use in creating an online presence and building trust for your company online. If you are looking to expand the reach of your company, getting involved in trainings and seminars of this nature can help you get started. Here’s the good news. The Annual Digital Marketing for Financial Services Summit is once again upon us. The event will take place on the 21st and 22nd of June 2017 at The Westin Harbour Castle Conference Centre in Toronto. The summit will be the perfect place for you to learn how to drive conversion, create loyalty, and maintain your competitive edge.

What makes this summit a must-attend is the fact that the speakers, of whom Mr. Richard Gans is a part of, are really authorities in their respective fields. On top of that, you will also get to meet people from different financial services companies like banks, insurances and credit unions. There are also those from investment and wealth management sectors as well as from digital marketing. It will truly be a worthwhile learning experience for you which can greatly help you start your online campaigns. If you want to learn more, simply visit their website: http://www.financialdigitalmarketing.com, check out the speakers as well as the topics that will be covered and then register! It would be one of the best things you can do for your business.

Also you can get 20% Off your Tickets by using the code “REFUEL20”


Richard Gans
Director of Social Media, AXA
Rich Gans is Director of Social Media at AXA in the U.S., a leader in providing wealth management, life insurance and annuity products. In his current role, he oversees the company’s enterprise social strategy and social media policies and executes initiatives that use social media to enhance the customer experience, drive brand awareness, increase business value, and safeguard brand reputation. That’s his job description; his passion is helping transform the organizational culture to make people feel more informed and comfortable with social media. To achieve that goal, he manages all employee-focused social media training in addition to the U.S. social employee advocacy program. Prior to joining AXA, Rich was the head of social media for Forrester Research. Before that, he held roles focused on customer experience, market research, and business analysis at Forrester Research, Jupiter Research, and IBM.

Rich holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems from Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School for Business. He currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and 4 children. Follow Rich on Twitter @Richard_Gans.

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The 7th Annual Digital Marketing for Financial Services Summit and Why You Should Attend

The 7th Annual Digital Marketing for Financial Services Summit and Why You Should Attend

Digital Marketing for Financial Services SummitToday, almost every business establishments, from small and medium enterprises to large corporations, are always aiming to do great things in their online or digital marketing campaigns. The majority of the public today spend a lot of time engaging online.

People have become so involved with the digital world that they expect to do just about everything and anything online, from banking to purchases to checking status updates. As a result, digital marketing is an ever growing and expanding playing field.  You need to stay on top of what works and what doesn’t.

Maja Neable

Maja Neable
VP, Digital and Channel Marketing

According to Maja Neable, Vice President of Digital and Channel Marketing at BMO FINANCIAL GROUP, as the consumers move to expect more in digital, the marketers have adopted: better targeting, more relevant messaging, and more competition for the digital consumer.

Neable, who is a guest speaker at the Digital Marketing For Financial Services Summit this year, also pointed out that humans still play a big role in helping consumers become comfortable with online world.

According to Neable, their company has found the biggest impact when their knowledgeable representatives in branches and contact center help bring customers on board. Customers trust them and rely on their advice.
Their campaigns include a number of strategies and tools like videos, email marketing, ad targeting, and social media. Their whole strategy is anchored on fully integrated intuitive experiences: from targeting well with relevant messages, to then meeting the customer’s need by providing an easy experience. Treating customer interactions as a life-cycle, a journey, rather than an instance, provides for the most powerful and engaging experiences, and business results.

BMO Financial GroupWhile this strategy has been fruitful for BMO FINANCIAL GROUP, it took time to work. It is a product of a learning cycle where they tested different strategies, encountering failures and learning from them. Developing a workable strategy really is not easy in digital marketing.

“Given the amount of competition, you also have to adopt and innovate as quickly as possible to remain relevant”,  Neable discussed, “To compete in the digital space today, one must continually invest and re-invent itself. This requires a different approach and thinking for established financial institutions. The ones that are the fastest to change to this way of thinking, will be the winners.”

This is where a good networking and linking up with fellow digital marketers becomes very important. Learning from others successes and failures allows you to expand your horizon and identify possible ways to improve on your  very own marketing campaigns.

If you are seriously looking to improve your digital marketing strategies, the 7th Digital Marketing for Financial Services Summit is the perfect conference to attend. This year it is happening at  The Westin Harbour Castle Conference Centre in Toronto, on Wednesday June 21st & Thursday June 22nd 2017.

Here are five reasons why you should attend this summit:

  • Innovate at a digital speed.
  • Learn from C-level financial services leaders on how to create a competitive advantage.
  • Learn how to eliminate organizational roadblocks.
  • Connect with industry veterans and rising stars.
  • This is the only digital marketing forum for financial services.
  • BONUS Reason: Save 20% off your tickets (see below)

Boost your digital marketing and take it to the next level.

As Andrew Artemenko of Bank of America said, it is “encouraging to see innovative and creative ways to solve the issues, constraints and challenges in a highly regulated industry. It’s nice to get out of your comfortable home environment to meet peers face to face, who have new and inspiring ideas.

The 7th Annual Digital Marketing for Financial Services Summit will be on June 21 – 22, 2017 at The Westin Harbour Castle Conference Centre in Ontario, Canada. You can learn more here: http://www.financialdigitalmarketing.com/.

Also you can get 20% Off your Tickets by using the code “REFUEL20”

The True Value of Social Media Marketing

The True Value of Social Media Marketing

As a business using social media marketing, you need to know what is the most important thing that you can do to attract customers to your business. You may be surprised to learn that the most important thing in online marketing is building trust.

Customers want a brand that they can trust and count on. They want a company that they can refer their friends to or that they can keep returning back to when they need similar services again. At the end of the day, the ROI (Return on investment) is not the biggest value that you are going to get from social media marketing.  Through social media, you are going to be able to build up a trusting relationship with your customers, that helps them identify from you, and to learn from your insights. This will make you “front of mind” and become their first call when they need something.

The first step to gain this trust is to communicate with your customers and potential customers in your personal brand voice that is consistent always. This is most effective through writing social media posts in a manner that is human rather than through messages that seems very robotic in nature. You want to show off a relatable personality that will get customers to trust in you and your Company. Once you find the specific tone of your brand voice, you need to stick to it. Being consistent is key to gaining the trust of your readers and customers.

When it comes to actual posts, there are a few things that you need to do. You should post ideas that are unique and original for a few reasons. One, fresh posts help in ranking articles and two, when people see a different approach to a common topic, it can gain traction. These posts can be informative pieces or ones that are entertaining or a mixture of the two. You want to make sure these posts shareable so that your followers will want to share it with their friends, by having social media sharing buttons on each article or post you do. By doing this, you will gain more followers, which will increase the recognition of your brand.

A final aspect to using social media to gain the trust of your customers is through engaging with them. If a customer contacts you through social media about an issue with your products or services, be accountable and apologetic while trying to remedy the situation.

These are things that will help increase your customer’s trust in your brand. If a customer trusts you, they will be more willing to keep coming back for services and refer their friends and loved ones. Do not use your posts to market things all of the time, otherwise people will not want to follow you. You need to find a perfect balance between advertising and offering more value to your customers.

Remember this: Educate, don’t inundate.. Provide value, and people will trust and buy from you naturally.

7 Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

7 Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the most important forms of modern communication and a brilliant way to connect with so many like-minded people. However, like all powerful tools, it should be used responsibly.

You want to create a positive online atmosphere for your business, one that creates sense of community with friends, peers, and potential customers.

Here are the top 7 do’s and don’ts in social media marketing that can affect your status online:

#1: Don’t Complain

This seems like a no-brainer, but you may be surprised at how often people complain about bosses, clients or customers. This can not only negatively impact the image of a business (giving the wrong impression), but it impacts how present and future customers or bosses view you. I will say there is the occasional time that you have a really bad experience. If this happens, and you need to vent, thread lightly and do not name names.

#2: Don’t Get involved in controversial conversations

Wanting to engage other users is one thing. Starting or fueling fights is another. If your opinion is controversial regarding hot-topic issues like religion, race, or politics, you might not want to announce it all over the Internet—particularly if you’re hoping to catch the attention of future customers, employers or business partners. Social media is a fickle thing that way,

#3: Don’t Spam your followers

This isn’t just a tip for casual users; it’s crucial for businesses that are looking to build an online reputation. Spamming is a bad tactic because it fails to form real connections with customers. After all, there’s nothing more annoying to the average person than logging on and finding their wall crowded with sales pitches, updates, or excessive private messages. If you provide a sales pitch, make sure it provides value first.

#4: Don’t Self-promote (rule of 5:1)

Alright, we all do it. However, when it comes to promoting your businesses online, it’s important to practice “moderation”. Otherwise, you just come across as an obnoxious horn-blower too big for your britches, and customers will move on to someone less noisy. While you should certainly share your business experiences and values, balance that with promoting others. It will make your followers more receptive to your message, and more likely to share your promotions on their other networks. My rule of thumb is 5 posts of great info for every Sales piece. And ALWAYS show the value in the sale piece.

#5: Don’t Share anything you wouldn’t mind showing strangers

A lot of people tend to treat social media as if it is their diary, but always remember that your business records, grievances at work, or details of your personal life are your business—and should be for your eyes only. Unless you are a reality star and want people to know.. then good on you.


Social media is more than just a way to advertise. It’s a way to communicate. You don’t have to verbally communicate to be able to listen. Lend an ear to what your customers are saying or talking about online by paying attention to their comments. See what they want, what they like, and work on pleasing them by developing a way to solve what they are wanting,

#7: DO: Have clarity

Rather than logging on to dozens of social media platforms every day, focus on the ones that contribute to your professional mission. Posting a cat video may seem funny at the time, but consider whether or not it’s actually relevant to what you’re trying to accomplish.

If you want to learn more about how to grow your business with digital marketing, connect with me and let’s talk.


Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, with Social Media

Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, with Social Media

As a person who loves and enjoys social media for it’s innate ability to connect us to people and events, which we could never have done so even just a few years ago, I wanted today to talk to you about a topic dear to my heart. It’s a strange but very real phenomenon that has occurred within the past few years with the rise of Smartphones being tied to our hips and wrists and almost everything we do. When our phones bing with texts and FOMO Fear of Missing outwe answer it the second it happens, or we check out tweet or Facebook timelines every 10 minutes, this begs the question. With all of technologies advances in the past few years, does technology bring us closer to each other or further apart?

My answer to that is that both are correct. We live in a world where the gift of “social media” is that we can discuss, rate, help, contemplate, learn and talk in mere seconds/minutes/hours on new things happening throughout the world. However, we also live in a world where living in the “present” is being “assisted” by technology.

There is concept that is called Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO for short. This is the idea that most of us using our smartphones and technology are glued to what others are saying on the social media platforms, and have this need to check in as  often as humanly possible, just in case we miss something good. As humans, and curious people, we hate to think we missed something good. Naturally, we do this as a way to feel connected to our “friends” online that we follow and Like, and Pin. It makes us feel good. Some people have mentioned that they see their real friends more often online via Facebook, Twitter, etc than they do in just getting together in person.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am part of this group and have willingly jumped in, as have you, to be part of my own experiences online as well as finding out about my connections, brands I follow and friends and their latest exploits detailed online. However, I do believe you need a BALANCE in life and go and meet, in my case, business leads and contacts you meet online. I use social media to start the process, and finish in person.

What I wanted to share in this post, from a Social Media insider, is that sometimes, we just need 2 things in our lives to achieve a good balance online:

1. UNPLUG and be ok with it. Don’t be afraid of missing out on something you missed online. Like a detox in real life, I have Unplugged myself when I find I need to re-charge my “batteries”. No cellphone, no social media, no texts sometimes for 1 day or longer just so I can be present with my family and my life.

2. Take the conversation OFFLINE and TALK to that person via the phone or in person. It’s amazing the amount of friendships and connections I have built up over the years with this tip.

Don’t buy into FOMO. Buy into real connections and being present.

My 2 cents…

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LinkedIn as the ideal tool for business via social media

LinkedIn as the ideal tool for business via social media

Linkedin as the ideal tool for business via social media

LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms for business from the access to top level decision makers to finding capital and resources for your business. Today I wanted to show you how you can use LinkedIn in your business and 5 easy steps to improving traction on your LinkedIn account.

1. Your Linkedin Profile – The first step is to modify your LinkedIn profile so that people who are looking for your kind of talent should find your profile easily. For that, you need to make your LinkedIn profile very friendly to how people will find you – using keyword searches. For example, most of the time if you own a company, you tend to write that you are the founder or owner.  That is great however, the people who are searching for your talent like the Lawyer or Realtor, will put the keywords “realtor” in the search engine. If you don’t have these words in your profile, they will not be able to find your profile in the list. Make sure your profile is keyword rich (words people will search for you – from their perspective)

2. Provide a reason to connect with you – So, you have updated your profile with your expertise and now your profile is getting into the lists that you want to be found in. Now here is the rub. There are many other profiles, which are also showing in those lists with the great keywords you just created. How do you get the edge over the other people in those searches? Create a compelling headline which will get their attention and almost force them to click on your profile first, because it catches their eye. Take time and write a dramatic compelling headline which includes the 1 or 2 keywords that are used in normal search engine results, like “real estate” or “realtor”

3. Summary – the next step is to write a Summary. So a prospect has visited your profile. Now, to keep them here and not have them leave quickly, your page should describe in their minds what they are looking for and show your credibility in fulfilling them. As an example, being a social media marketer, you can imagine the amount of other people in the same line of work. Some really good and some not so much. Once they land on my profile, instead of “Winston grew up in Mexico.. (rest of my life and business story)” I would suggest you think of WHY those people are looking at your profile. You should know this by now. Mine would be they are looking for social media training or marketing. So my Summary talks about their needs and how I can help.
(see my profile here)

You an also add in a video in this section which is excellent marketing. So remember, most of the people try to write their autobiography in this Summary. Always remember that the prospect who is visiting your page is very busy and they just would  like to know that you have the sufficient ability/talent/skill to fulfill their needs. In short, the summary should be client-focused Otherwise, you are going to get just hits on your page and nothing to show for it.Then,

4. Increasing network connections –Ok, you have modified your profile and your Summary. Now it is time to increase your network connection to increase your business. Aim to make connections, much like real networking, with people that are aligned with your business. If you are realtor, you may not need to connect to another realtor profile.

5. Following up with the new connections – It is not enough to find new connections, however you should keep in touch at times on regular basis. What I suggest to at least have them remember you, is that when someone accepts your connection request or connects with you, send him/her a Welcome or Thank you message. I strongly suggest that you offer them something of value for free, as it will be an excellent gesture. I include a $47 Value social media teleseminar I did last year as my gift (see my profile here)

6. Regular updates – As often as possible (minimum 1 time per week) update the Status on LinkedIn regarding in your business life or related articles to your business in order to engage people in your network

LinkedIn is a great business (social) network website where if you are able to utilize all the features of the website including the 5 tips above, you will increase your business.

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