A Digital Marketing Insider's Point of View by Winston Bromley.
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How Curating Your Images and Content with Social Media is the New Way to Attract Customers: Pinterest

Pinterest : How Curating Your Content with Social Media is the New Way to Attract CustomersEver since we were young, images have always taken our interest. We loved stopping and seeing all of the beautiful artwork, the intricate designs, and every colorful piece we could find. We may be a bit older, but it does not mean we adore seeing images any less.

There is a huge culture on the internet of people who just enjoy browsing picture after picture, sometimes even spending hours of their time looking. One of the biggest sites for that right now is Pinterest. This massive website attracts many from across the globe, all to see new images people have to share. Others, like Reddit and Imgur, work in similar ways and have people viewing a large list of pictures. I am focused on the one that is King right now: Pinterest.

While it may seem you are looking at images only, these are really social media platforms. This means you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and make friends, as you would with regular social websites. The desire to use these sites is huge and growing constantly, making it the next step in the evolution of social media.

There are many similarities between social sites like Facebook and Pinterest. You have many users online to share their thoughts, lives and loves, people with whom you can speak and forge connections. What sets Pinterest apart, though, is what makes it so grand. People are using it to see the magnificent and astounding things the world has to offer, both natural and man made. It has more to offer than communication, it has wonder on every page.

This type of social media idea organization has allowed people seeking to get their name or word out a way to do it much easier. On several other social media websites, you have to hope yours shines through enough to make it to the top. With sites like Pinterest, you can target the people who would like it by interest. This is a lot like how big named stores target us, except it is free and is already becoming a huge hit on the internet.

Essentially, learning how to use Pinterest is vital to tapping into this new market of customers in a clever, yet imaginative way so that you can generate even more traffic to your online business.

With Pinterest, the most common function is to “Pin It”, which is to post your new photo or something you like on the internet up so that others who have an interest in your image, products or services can see it and then they “Re-pin It” on their “Boards” as well.

Pinterest can be incorporated with your other social media sites. Twitter, for example, is a very good one since it is short, to the point and the content can showcase easily what you “Pin” up on Pinterest. Facebook has a great App that ties into your Timeline that showcases your latest Pins.

The thing that got my Attention as a web guy is that Pinterest can provide you with effective backlinks back to your main site. This really mean that you get better placement in Google and more “organic” or not-paid-for traffic leads. These backlinks and the content driven material you are posting (or should be posting) are designed to bring in the customers. Try to avoid the “hard sell” as much as possible which will turn off some Pinterest users. I am all for every 5 pins, post a Hard Sell.

One good bit of news for those considering SEO generation back to your website, is that unlike some other social network sites, your content may go much further than what you could do on other websites, with re-pinning, sharing and liking. Each one counts as a backlink… So take advantage of this for your SEO generation that Pinterest allows us to have.

Lastly, one very important aspect of Pinterest is popularity which means being very interactive with other members on the site. This can be commenting on their photos, or posting great content yourself to get comments and re-pins..You should include content from others as well as yourself to get the most exposure. This will build trust with others on the site from what you are doing. Popularity worked in high school as it does so on Pinterest.

Finally, be creative when you use Pinterest. It’s perhaps even more important than with your other social network sites as the visual oriented format can pay dividends even faster when you can promote yourself in a positive, creative way.

Enjoyed this post? If so, please share on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to let your friends know about it. Your help spreading the word would be really appreciated.


5 reasons why social media is ideal for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Social Media for Businesses
I started out in Social Media by joining LinkedIn. LinkedIn made sense at the time when I joined as it was a smart way to promote yourself to prospective business people and of course, meet up with your co-workers. It was not the powerhouse it is today but it was very smart idea at the time.

I have to say when I joined Twitter a few years later (because EVERYONE I knew told me to join…. and I caved), I was not impressed. Within about 3 days of being on there, all I saw were posts about going to lunch, what a great jog or run they had in the morning, and other daily items. I remember clearly thinking to myself, “What am I doing here?”.. I am here to tell you it can be much more that That… but more on that in a bit…

The same initial reaction happened with Facebook. All the people I knew were playing games on Facebook, buying virtual gifts, nudging me to respond and posting comments about their daily lives. It felt like I got dropped into a party and was the odd-man out.

Then I got to thinking…. There has to be more to this than just daily life activity postings? There must be a practical use for Social Media in Business.
Being a web designer and programmer, with some successful online products at the time,  I realized that if I could use Social Media in a business sense, then it would be a great tool to reach a lot of people all at once and leverage other people’s connections to increase my Business profits.

Well it worked, and I started to see results for myself, and more importantly,  for my clients (I was their Social Media Manager – although that wasn’t a real job title at that time ;).)

Well, fast forward to September 2011 and Social Media is the Buzz word of the last two years or so.  Almost every Entrepreneur and Business owner I meet are talking about Social media and wanting to apply it in their business. This makes really me happy to see.

A good percentage of them either 1. Know that they need to use Social Media now in their business but don’t know where to begin or what to do OR 2. They are using it in their businesses however aren’t seeing any results from it, which my Business helps them out with if needed.

As one business owner to another business owner, I wanted to share with you 5 reasons that Social Media is ideal for your Business, products and Services.. and yes, you need to get started now, if you have not already begun.

Also, it is definitely not too late to be profitable using Social Media.

Here are my 5 reasons:

  1. Leverage your Social Reach and Impact: By using Social Media, it allows you to attract and target potential customers that may never have known you and your Business existed, for a fraction of the price you can pay with costly and less-and-less effective traditional advertising. It also allows you to connect with your existing customers in a fun yet professional fashion with rewards, promo codes and timely information.
  2. Develop and Build your Social Proof: Using social media for your Business allows your Customers/Followers/Friends/Connections/(insert the social media platform of choice) in Social Media to build your business up with comments, tweets, recommendations, links to your website that other people will see, which build credibility for what you are offering. People are using Social media now to get reviews on products. We tend to buy and use a product or service much quicker with a referral or word of mouth, because of the Social proof of others talking about it. I know that I buy a lot that way and I would suspect you would to..
  3. Every Possible Demographics for your Business is in here: There are over 750 Million users on Facebook (33% of that number is women in the age group of 35-65!), over 12 Million Small Business owners on LinkedIn, Google+ grew to 25 million users in just 1 month time and Twitter continues to grow.  What is powerful about these stats is that I am sure there are portions of each major social media engine’s demographic that is your ideal client. So why not  figure out which ones to “target”, attract and engage them while at the same time, leading them to becoming a customer.
  4. You control the message: With Social Media, you can control the message. If something goes wrong, you can fix it pretty fast with Social media (United Airlines didn’t get this right until a musician and 1 Million Views on Youtube did it for them) . This also allows you to create messages that you can write and post everyday if you wish. You are not stuck with an 1 year paid ad in the Yellow pages, or a large Billboard that costs money to re-do. Social media is meant to be flexible. If you want to throw out a special offer to your lists or mention a new service, you can do it for low to no-cost to you.
  5. Build Loyal Communities: Social Media truly builds a community of people that have similar likes and interests. You can find people who love to Scuba dive or people who like knitting. Being part of these groups by leveraging your Social Media brand, you can become part of their conversations and be a solution to their needs. People follow or connect with their interests and if that interest happens to be your ideal client, you should be there to help them along to make a decision.

To end off, in Social Media, you do not “hard sell” anything. What I am referring to is helping people make an informed decision by seeing that you are the best choice for your Service or Product, complimented by your social media strategies, that just so happen to move them in that direction…..

until the next post.

Winston Bromley
