A Digital Marketing Insider's Point of View by Winston Bromley.
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Social media is the PERFECT avenue for a two-way communication between a prospective customer and a business establishment

Social media is the PERFECT avenue for a two-way communication between a prospective customer and a business establishment

Social media has really become one of the most important avenues for businesses out there, in order to reach out and communicate with their market.

Richard Gans AXAWhat makes it even better is that it is still growing and business establishments are still learning how to best use social media in order to make their services better. According to Richard Gans, Director of Social Media at AXA, social media usage, both on a paid and organic nature, continues to grow and evolve as a means of marketing and engaging with consumers. More specifically, using social media as an active channel for resolving customer service moments continues to evolve as the needs and expectations of consumers change. Consumers expect brands, even financial service companies, to be available for help when and where they need it and social media is serving as one of those necessary options.

AXASocial media is the perfect avenue for a two-way communication between a prospective customer and a business establishment. Mr. Gans claimed that the use of social media is one of the things that really worked well in enabling his company to build trust online. He said that as more people look online for feedback prior to making a purchase. AXA recently incorporated an initiative that facilitates direct, two-way customer feedback along with the collection and organization of customer responses with the aim not only of improving customer experience, but also of ultimately producing new products and speeding innovations on existing ones.

Allowing your clients and customers to provide comments on your products or services through social media will enable you and your company to easily improve based on the feedback provided. It would be a lot easier to identify areas where you are doing right as well as areas that need improvements.

Digital Marketing for Financial Services SummitWhat makes it even more interesting is that social media is only a fraction of what you and your company can use in creating an online presence and building trust for your company online. If you are looking to expand the reach of your company, getting involved in trainings and seminars of this nature can help you get started. Here’s the good news. The Annual Digital Marketing for Financial Services Summit is once again upon us. The event will take place on the 21st and 22nd of June 2017 at The Westin Harbour Castle Conference Centre in Toronto. The summit will be the perfect place for you to learn how to drive conversion, create loyalty, and maintain your competitive edge.

What makes this summit a must-attend is the fact that the speakers, of whom Mr. Richard Gans is a part of, are really authorities in their respective fields. On top of that, you will also get to meet people from different financial services companies like banks, insurances and credit unions. There are also those from investment and wealth management sectors as well as from digital marketing. It will truly be a worthwhile learning experience for you which can greatly help you start your online campaigns. If you want to learn more, simply visit their website: http://www.financialdigitalmarketing.com, check out the speakers as well as the topics that will be covered and then register! It would be one of the best things you can do for your business.

Also you can get 20% Off your Tickets by using the code “REFUEL20”


Richard Gans
Director of Social Media, AXA
Rich Gans is Director of Social Media at AXA in the U.S., a leader in providing wealth management, life insurance and annuity products. In his current role, he oversees the company’s enterprise social strategy and social media policies and executes initiatives that use social media to enhance the customer experience, drive brand awareness, increase business value, and safeguard brand reputation. That’s his job description; his passion is helping transform the organizational culture to make people feel more informed and comfortable with social media. To achieve that goal, he manages all employee-focused social media training in addition to the U.S. social employee advocacy program. Prior to joining AXA, Rich was the head of social media for Forrester Research. Before that, he held roles focused on customer experience, market research, and business analysis at Forrester Research, Jupiter Research, and IBM.

Rich holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems from Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School for Business. He currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and 4 children. Follow Rich on Twitter @Richard_Gans.

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How to conquer WordPress and make your WP site rock with Randy Mann

How to conquer WordPress and make your WP site rock with Randy Mann

WordPress is awesome as a platform and there is so many things in it that make my life and my clients lives better. And the great thing about what I do, is I am learning all the time. If we can learn, we can grow.

So, for today’s article, let’s grow a little together.

I wanted to give you a few insights I learned from Randy Mann, who is an accomplished marketer, IT & webguy. We got talking and he mentioned a few things that I know, and one that I didn’t think about before regarding WordPress (WP), various plugins and tips.

Randy MannSo here is Randy’s list…….

7 things to do to make your WordPress site rock and become more secure (Even more than it is now):

  1. Back up, back up, and backup again.
    There are free plugins that will get the job done. WP is great out of the box, but it’s just the core framework to everything else. Backing up your site isn’t one of the things. You’ll need a service or a plugin to get the job done.
  2. WordPress isn’t always secure – and this is the most serious problem with WP.
    Never login as admin. Change the username to something else as soon as you are logged in the first time. If hackers are trying to get into your site, “admin” will be the first username they try. This means you just did half of their work for them. Now all they need to do is figure out the password.
  3. Always use secure passwords, NEVER the common ones.
    Pick something complex with numbers, letters and symbols.
  4. Update the WP core and plugins as soon as they are available.
    These usually fix common bugs and vulnerabilities.
  5. Don’t download themes or plugins from unknown or unreliable sources.
    Always use either the official repository at WordPress.org or other trusted sources like reputable theme sites.
    Use a dedicated security plugin, like WordFence to protect you from common attacks.
  6. WordPress tends to load really slow.
    If your site is loading in slow, it could be images being too big, plugins taking to long to load or even font choices. There are good ways to figure out what is causing this drag in time, as it will cost you customers. See below to learn how to find out what is causing the issues.
  7. Broken Links
    Happens over time and you have no real way of knowing. You could test them all by hand, but a lot of pages/posts equals a lot of time to do that. Use a plugin called Broken Link Checker to get it done.

Now, there is a lot more to WordPress than just this list or article, so I asked Randy to compile a list of essential WordPress fixes and plugins into a quick and downloadable PDF, so get your hands on this free REPORT.

****Also, at no charge, Randy already had some great training so I asked him if he could include it here… So you can now get Randy’s 30 training (short and sweet) videos on how to use WordPress effectively  (again at no charge)****

Just click below if you want to grow your business & knowledge, click here

CLICK HERE to get your Essential WordPress Plugin REPORT
& Randy’s 30+ video training (all at no cost to you)

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