Facebook Timelines: The Benefits to Business Owners from a Personal Profile standpoint
A few months ago, Facebook rolled out a Beta version (and now it's a regular part of FACEBOOK) of what is called the Facebook Timeline. If you haven't seen them yet, you can see an example at: http://www.facebook.com/winston.bromley The Facebook Timelines are being...
QR Codes and why you need to be using them now
Have you seen this image before? It's a white box with black (or coloured) boxes inside it and it does something.. but you are not sure what it does.. This image is a QR Code. and it will be your friend by the end of this article. We have been using them in our...
Pinterest: An up-and-coming Social Media Network worth looking into
There are always new Social Media platforms that come out it seems every week with a new take on the medium. The one that caught my eye about 2 months ago is called Pinterest. Pinterest.com is one of the new Social Media platforms that has come out, that truly has an...
5 reasons why social media is ideal for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
I started out in Social Media by joining LinkedIn. LinkedIn made sense at the time when I joined as it was a smart way to promote yourself to prospective business people and of course, meet up with your co-workers. It was not the powerhouse it is today but it was very...